1 minute reading time (57 words)

In 2019, the National Association of Realtors published a study showing that a well-staged home sells faster and often for more money than a vacant one. To ensure the most proceeds for a seller, it is thus an integral part of the sales process. https://t.co/Iym9UOOd2e… #NAR

In 2019, the National Association of Realtors published a study showing that a well-staged home sells faster and often for more money than a vacant one. To ensure the most proceeds for a seller, it is thus an integral part of the sales process. http://sfchronicle.com/realestate/article/Sound-Off-How-important-is-staging-a-property-14499191.php?utm_campaign=CMS%20Sharing%20Tools%20(Premium)&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral… #NAR
Original author: NAR Media Relations
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