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    Realtor® Safety Workshop (IN -PERSON)

    WHEN: Wednesday | September 15, 2021 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    WHERE: DMAR HQ | 4601 DTC Blvd. #100 Denver, CO 80237

    WHY: Carl Carter's mom, Realtor® Beverly Carter, lost her life at the hands of two clients in 2014. Since his mother's passing, Carl has dedicated as much time as possible to sprea...
    WHEN: Wednesday | September 15, 2021 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    WHERE: DMAR HQ | 4601 DTC Blvd. #100 Denver, CO 80237

    WHY: Carl Carter's mom, Realtor® Beverly Carter, lost her life at the hands of two clients in 2014. Since his mother's passing, Carl has dedicated as much time as possible to spread the message of safety. His story and presentation is an impactful combination of harrowing details involving his mother’s story and practical industry anecdotes and takeaways. The statistics show that about 20 real estate agents lose their lives in the course of their work annually. That is 20 too many! The very nature of the business, lone-workers with ample training and tools to self & service-promote, can easily foster business practices of false pretenses and vulnerabilities. We all have a responsibility to raise awareness and build cultures of preparedness.

    As part of the safety presentation from our C.O.B.R.A. Safety Instructor, you will also learn real estate-specific self-defense strategies. Who will be there for you? You will. Learn how to protect yourself. You’re meeting a person – generally alone and mostly in an empty property. You may be all over the web and social media, allowing anyone to profile your potential assets, looks, work patterns, etc. This is known as “crime by appointment.” Do you look like a soft target or a hard target in the eyes of a criminal? Learn how to avoid dangerous situations before they even start.

    PRESENTERS: Carl Carter & Euell Santistevan, C.O.B.R.A. Safety Instructor

    PRICE: Free for DMAR members (must be a DMAR member to register)


    CANCELATION POLICY: If you register for this class, we ask that you make every effort to attend. Registration is limited and sell out quickly limiting the number of members able to participate.
    15th Sep, 2021 1:00PM - 4:00PM
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