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    Florida Realtors at Mid-Winter Business Meetings 2024

    The Florida Realtors® Mid-Winter Business Meetings enable members to collectively share ideas and make decisions that further the goals of Florida Realtors and the Florida real estate industry. This annual event also celebrates the incoming leadership team with a gala Inaugural Ball and other net...
    The Florida Realtors® Mid-Winter Business Meetings enable members to collectively share ideas and make decisions that further the goals of Florida Realtors and the Florida real estate industry. This annual event also celebrates the incoming leadership team with a gala Inaugural Ball and other networking events.

    The 2024 Florida Realtors Mid-Winter Business Meetings will be January 17-21 at a new location, the Hyatt Regency Orlando on International Drive.

    Participants and members at this annual business summit strive to advance the association’s initiatives through advocacy and committee involvement. Members take an active role to advance the real estate industry, public policy and the association.

    Top highlights include the Florida Realtors Real Estate Trends economic summit, where a panel of state and national experts offers market and economic insights for the coming year, and the annual Inaugural Banquet, where we celebrate past leadership and welcome our new leaders.

    The four-day event concludes with the Board of Directors meeting, where the association’s bylaws are updated to ensure the association's membership goals are met and keep the association on a path of success.

    Entertainment provided during the event promotes the industry and its vitality among the Realtor network.

    17th Jan, 2024 10:00AM - 21st Jan, 2024 5:00PM
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