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    Backups, Escalation Clauses, and Other Techniques for Winning Offers - Aug 3

    Our tight housing inventory demands superior contract drafting and negotiation skills. Whether you're submitting offers for your buyer or managing multiples for your seller, there are many techniques to improve your bargaining position. Here are a few things we will cover:

    - Seller Contingency...
    Our tight housing inventory demands superior contract drafting and negotiation skills. Whether you're submitting offers for your buyer or managing multiples for your seller, there are many techniques to improve your bargaining position. Here are a few things we will cover:

    - Seller Contingency Clauses for Replacement Home
    - Post-Closing Occupancy Agreements to Help Your Seller
    - Appraisal and Inspection Waivers (what you should and shouldn't do)
    - Effective Contract Deadlines
    - Buying homes through written back-ups
    - Leveraging your listing with back-ups
    - Using Specific Performance as default remedy
    - Ins and Outs of Escalation Clauses
    - Leveraging your lender's expertise to get offers accepted.
    3rd Aug, 2021 10:00AM - 12:00PM
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