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    Property Management Office Policy Manuals

    Instructor: Rob Lynde

    In this class attendees will learn how to put together the DORA required Policies and Procedures manual. The cirruclium delves into the areas that are required to be included in the Policies and Procedures manual. Each area of business is addressed and discussed on how to...
    Instructor: Rob Lynde

    In this class attendees will learn how to put together the DORA required Policies and Procedures manual. The cirruclium delves into the areas that are required to be included in the Policies and Procedures manual. Each area of business is addressed and discussed on how to establish real estate businesses to be fully compliant. Additionally, attendees will learn how brokerages practicing property management should and can expand the property management section of the Policies and Procedures Manual to create systems and a Standard Operating System for day to day property management.

    This course applies directly to Managing Brokers as the Policies and Procedures manual is required for all brokerages. It will educate the attendee on all areas required to be in the Policies and Procedures Manual as well as give them the opportunity in class to create a compliant manual with a detailed Property Management section.

    Credits - 4
    Credits - $40
    22nd Sep, 2021 1:00PM - 5:00PM
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