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    Effective Strategies for Handling Multiple Offers (On-Demand) - Sep 22

    Here is What You'll Learn:

    Effective Strategies!
    This class covers the most significant challenges of navigating multiple offers and best practices for managing them. If you’ve attended Greg Parham’s Techniques for Better Contract Offers class, this is the flip side for listing brokers.

    Here is What You'll Learn:

    Effective Strategies!
    This class covers the most significant challenges of navigating multiple offers and best practices for managing them. If you’ve attended Greg Parham’s Techniques for Better Contract Offers class, this is the flip side for listing brokers.

    Escalation Clauses
    How to counter escalation clauses effectively AND reasons why you shouldn’t discourage them in your MLS remarks.

    Contract Review
    Whether or not to set a contract review (acceptance) date in the MLS remarks– and recommended language if doing that.

    Offer Disclosures/Countering
    Disclose or not to disclose other offer prices AND the proper way to counter an offer with additional provisions to eliminate any confusion on terms or dates.

    Inspection Waivers
    And how NOT to write them

    Appraisal Waivers
    Why poorly written ones are so dangerous and what makes a good one
    22nd Sep, 2021 2:00PM - 3:00PM
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