• Steve Groom uploaded a new video
    We Buy Houses: How Does It Work in Baltimore?
    Without a doubt this is the most frequently asked question that we get. The whole “We Buy Houses” concept is a mystery for some, while others view it as a “rip-off”. As we have stated previously, we don’t make “low-ball” offers. We cannot speak for other companies, but we can tell you how we do business. We are an ethical, family-owned...
    Without a doubt this is the most frequently asked question that we get. The whole “We Buy Houses” concept is a mystery for some, while others view it as a “rip-off”. As we have stated previously, we don’t make “low-ball” offers. We cannot speak for other companies, but we can tell you how we do business. We are an ethical, family-owned business that treats people with respect, regardless of their circumstances. We are open & transparent with our business.
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