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Event Information
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I have created a new class to help YOU be more successful in our new market conditions. We will discuss your clients' fears, concerns, and questions along with yours during this powerful time together.

1. We will take a look back at our real estate stats BEFORE COVID to provide much-needed perspective and wisdom for you.

2. How will rising rates impact Denver home prices?

3. What happens to mortgage rates during recessions?

4. What happens to home prices during recessions?

5. When will Denver home prices drop?

6. Will there be a wave of foreclosures?

7. How to sell homes with mortgage rates over 5%.

8. 10 reasons why NOW is the best time to buy a home in 3 years.

9. 10 tips on how to price homes in today’s market.

10. More than 10 ideas to GROW your business.

I will also ask YOU questions as I believe everyone in the room will have key insights and wisdom to share with everyone else.

Taught by Lonnie Glessner, Draper & Kramer Mortgage
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