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3 Total hours
3 Elective hours
0 Annual Commission Update hours

In Colorado, this course is also approved under Rule A-27(B)(3), which allows real estate licensees to use the course toward their pre-license requirements necessary to become an Employing Broker.

Sexual harassment and discrimination in real estate isn’t just for landlords anymore—not that it ever was. Thanks in part to movements such as #MeToo and Time’s Up, sexual harassment and sexual discrimination have moved to the forefront of the national conversation. Allegations, investigations, firings, resignations, and even arrests have rippled across major industries and affected high-profile individuals in entertainment, media, politics, and business. In short: workplace behavior is under a microscope like never before. The real estate industry is no exception, and some areas leave clients and licensees highly vulnerable.

In this course, we’ll take a closer look at how sexual harassment is defined and the impact such behavior can have on your clients, your brokerage, and your reputation. In addition, we’ll discuss actions you can take to ensure that your office is inclusive and welcoming to all, and that your clients’ best interests are always protected. This includes tips for putting together a comprehensive office policy that thoroughly addresses sexual harassment and sexual discrimination.

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