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Event Information
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Event Description:

3 Total hours
3 Elective hours
0 Annual Commission Update hours

Unlike traditional homebuyers, real estate investors enter the market to make money. By understanding the trends that influence the investment market and taking the time to learn about individual motivators and criteria, you’ll be in a better position to help your clients navigate this unique and dynamic market.

Working with Real Estate Investors will examine key investment strategies and look at how those strategies shape short- and long-term investment objectives. The course also will review the distinct liabilities and rewards you may encounter when working with investor clients.

Course highlights include:

- A detailed discussion of the pros and cons of working with investor clients
- An overview of various short- and long-term acquisition strategies investors may utilize
- A Criteria Worksheet handout to help you better understand your investor clients and their objectives
- A look at common networking and lead generation strategies employed by investors
- Tips to help you identify and reduce your exposure to risk when working with investor clients
- A review of the duties and responsibilities you owe to real estate investor clients
- Advice for becoming a real estate investor yourself, including legal landmines to guard against
- Activities and examples to seal in the new information and frame it in everyday context
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