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    Learn to Create Your Own (FREE) Lead Generation Model

    Tired of wasting time on buyer leads that go nowhere? Not sure where your next lead is coming from?

    Come check out my lead-generating model that will result in me handing off preapproved buyers that are ready and able to buy now!!

    - Create a more consistent pipeline of clients
    - Stop buyin...
    Tired of wasting time on buyer leads that go nowhere? Not sure where your next lead is coming from?

    Come check out my lead-generating model that will result in me handing off preapproved buyers that are ready and able to buy now!!

    - Create a more consistent pipeline of clients
    - Stop buying mediocre leads when I can show you how to create qualified buyers for FREE
    - Dominate your market by becoming the preferred/in-house Realtor for local companies in Colorado
    - Learn how to get a qualified lead from a complete stranger in less than 60 seconds
    - Grow the largest database of qualified buyers, regardless of the economy
    11th Aug, 2021 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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