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    ABC's Of Battling Burnout

    Real estate isnt a job. Its a lifestyle. So, does that mean that we can either make a good living in real estate OR do less business and enjoy life? I believe that we can generate the money we desire, continue to pursue the career we love, while living a happy/fulfilled life. In this course we wi...
    Real estate isnt a job. Its a lifestyle. So, does that mean that we can either make a good living in real estate OR do less business and enjoy life? I believe that we can generate the money we desire, continue to pursue the career we love, while living a happy/fulfilled life. In this course we will explore the 3 essentials to battling burnout and you will walk away with realistic and usable strategies that you can immediately apply to your own battle with burnout.

    Cost - 0

    Instructor Name - Dan Gomer
    12th Jul, 2022 10:00AM - 11:30AM
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