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    Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention & Expo 2023

    About the Convention
    Whether you are new to the industry or a seasoned professional, everyone who's anyone in single-family real estate finance should be at MBA's Annual Convention & Expo to network, learn, and do business with thousands of peers, industry power players, innovators, and experts....
    About the Convention
    Whether you are new to the industry or a seasoned professional, everyone who's anyone in single-family real estate finance should be at MBA's Annual Convention & Expo to network, learn, and do business with thousands of peers, industry power players, innovators, and experts. Nothing beats the energy that brings innovation and inspiration to our industry when we all come together for the nation's largest gathering of real estate finance professionals. We really turned it up at the industry event of the year in Nashville. We'll do it again, October 15-18 in Philadelphia, for MBA's Annual Convention & Expo 2023. Save the date and join us in Philly!
    15th Oct, 2023 8:00AM - 18th Oct, 2023 6:00PM
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