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    Probate & Trust Estates

    How does a property going through probate affect the process of selling or buying real estate? We will review the different methods for transferring real estate in Colorado operation of law, beneficiary deeds, probate, and trust administration. If you have had any issues with buying or selling pr...
    How does a property going through probate affect the process of selling or buying real estate? We will review the different methods for transferring real estate in Colorado operation of law, beneficiary deeds, probate, and trust administration. If you have had any issues with buying or selling probate owned by a trust or estate, this course will explain the impact of probate or trust administration on the sale contract and timeline, the additional documentation required, changes to the closing process, and frequent mistakes and problems encountered.

    Cost - $40
    Credits - 3

    Instructor Name - MICHAEL SMEENK
    Company Name - Frascona, Joiner, Goodman and Greenstein, P.C.,
    30th Nov, 2023 10:00AM - 1:00PM
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