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    How to Protect Your Clients from Metro Districts - Dec 6

    Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM LIVE Webinar - Online Event

    Lonnie will go over Metro Districts and their impact on housing affordability and the danger they may pose to homeowners
    I have written many times about Metro Districts and their impact on ho...
    Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM LIVE Webinar - Online Event

    Lonnie will go over Metro Districts and their impact on housing affordability and the danger they may pose to homeowners
    I have written many times about Metro Districts and their impact on housing affordability and the danger they may pose to homeowners in the years and decades to come. But, many of you told me that wasn’t enough and that I should create and teach a class on Metro Districts. My new class is done and I have titled it “How to Protect Your Clients from Metro Districts.

    Here is what you will learn—

    - What are Metro Districts and why we have them in Colorado.
    - How developers and builders secretly control Metro Districts.
    - The types of debt Metro Districts issue and the staggering amount of debt that has been authorized and issued by Metro Districts that homeowners are required to pay for decades to come.
    - The most dangerous type of debt issued by Metro Districts.
    - How Metro Districts impact consumers’ property tax bills.
    - What should the State do about Metro Districts?
    - What should homebuyers do to protect themselves?
    - The website you and your clients NEED to review before purchasing a home.

    Class taught by Lonnie Glessner, Modern Mortgage
    6th Dec, 2023 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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