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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:
Event Description:
WHEN: Thursday | December 3, 2020 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

WHERE: Online

WHY: Students will learn the difference between exempt and non-exempt wells, different types of wells, where to locate well information,handling the transfer of well permits, how to create contract contingencies for well permits, well inspection issues.

Students will learn how to advise clients regarding propane, and how to ensure that propane issues are adequately handled in contracts and on settlement statements..

Students will learn about how septic systems work, how to determine if special septic regulations apply, and obtain information on inspecting systems.

Students will understand what a water right is,the differences between water-related rights. They will also learn about how to ensure these rights are transferred properly at closing.


CE CREDITS: 2-You must have video capability and have it on during the class to get CE credit.

PRICE: REALTOR® Member $28 | Non-REALTOR® $43

IMPORTANT: Registration is a two step process. The day before class you will be emailed a Zoom link to confirm registration, as well as class materials and guidelines.

Class Cancellation Policy: You must cancel at least 24 hours in advance to receive a refund less $10.00 for service fees. There will be a charge of $10.00 to transfer to another class
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