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Event Information
Event Title:
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Event Description:
Wednesday, December 16, 2020, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Live Webinar - Online Learning Opportunity

You will learn how to avoid costly mistakes in dealing with tracking and dispersing funds, maintaining financial records, following Fair Housing and Habitability laws, conducting rental inspections, deferring maintenance and repairs, managing the tenant relationship, screening and selecting tenants, and setting rental rates. Discover how to build a strong support network while recognizing the true value of your time and sanity. Mr. Mackessy will share his sweeping knowledge of the Denver rental and investment markets, so don't miss this opportunity to get your questions answered by a seasoned investor and certified property management expert, with over $100,000,000 worth of investment properties under management, and a personal real estate portfolio worth $5m, with $3m in equity.
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